
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why You Must Read Biographies by Ron White

“Don’t worry, boy—it will be all right. I’ve took this road you are walkin’ down. I’ve been in your shoes. It is just somethin’ that you have got to go through. I had this same talk with my dad.”
Those were the words I heard from my dad at the age of 12, when my heart had flushed my eyes with tears because the life of my dog was flickering out. Through the years, I have taken walks down the same road with my dad and I’ve heard different versions of the same speech when business was tough, friendships ended or I wasn’t feeling my best.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Look Up to Those Beneath You

The most successful business leaders today are like great coaches who manage by inspiration, instead of intimidation. The command-and-control management style is obsolete. In this fast-forward global marketplace, there is no such distinction as superior and subordinate. The key to getting and staying on top is to provide a resilient, positive working environment. This requires that you “check your ego at the door” and that you seek alliances with others who may have different talents or strengths than you do. This is what synergy is all about.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Three Rules for Turning Stress into Success by Denis Waitley

1. Accept the Unchangeable—Everything that has happened in your life to this minute is unchangeable. It’s history. The greatest waste of energy is in looking back at missed opportunities, lamenting past events, grudge collecting, getting even, harboring ill will, and any vengeful thinking. Success is the only acceptable form of revenge. By forgiving your trespassers, you become free to concentrate on going forward with your life and succeeding in spite of your detractors. You will live a rewarding and fulfilling life.
Your enemies, on the other hand, will forever wonder how you went on to become so successful without them and in the shadow of their doubts.

Thinking Big Is the Best Plan by Robert Kiyosaki

Years ago, when I was just starting my real estate investing career,  I came across a property with a for-sale sign on it. I called the broker and asked,  “What can you tell me about the property, and how much does it cost?”
The broker politely and patiently said, “It’s a commercial building  with six tenants. There’s a chiropractor, a dentist, a hairstylist, an accountant,  and a bail bondsman. The price is two million dollars.”

Losing Big
I almost choked. “Two million dollars?! That’s way too expensive!”  Thirty years ago, $2 million was a lot of money. And instead of looking at the property,  I let the price frighten me off. I never looked at the deal, and just assumed that  the seller was
 crazy, greedy, and out of touch with the market. Today, there’s a  luxury hotel on the same site. It’s spectacular. I estimate the property to be worth  at least $150 million, and maybe more.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Four Emotions That Can Lead to Life Change by Jim Rohn

Emotions are the most powerful forces inside us. Under the power of emotions, human beings can perform the most heroic (as well as barbaric) acts. To a great degree, civilization itself can be defined as the intelligent channeling of human emotion. Emotions are fuel and the mind is the pilot, which together propel the ship of civilized progress.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Four Wives

Once upon a time there was a rich King who had four wives. He loved the 4th the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to the finest of delicacies. He gave her nothing but the best.

He also loved the 3rd wife very much and was always showing her off to neighbouring kingdoms. However, he feared that one day she would leave him for another.